July was a less than stellar training month. My foot hurt and I lacked motivation. I came up with excuse after excuse after excuse to not run. And then I got tired of my excuses... mad at myself... totally fired up... and then decided to start a "streak". A running streak, that is. I think consistency is a must for me right now. I decided to start on Tuesday, 7/27. I didn't set any distance goals for this week other than to run at least one mile a day, and a long run of 12 miles on Sunday. (I've got to get my butt in gear since the Chicago marathon is only 10 weeks away.) I also planned to take the pups to run a mile each, every other day, and let them set the pace. They are soooo out of shape! I didn't tell anyone my intention of this running streak for fear of failing on yet another lofty goal. I kept the secret to myself until I reached 4 days of running in a row... the longest streak I think I've ever done. woo hoo! I can do this! But my plantar fascia wasn't too happy on day 4. I iced it off and on all that day. The next day, the plantar fasciitis pain was gone. Could it be possible that this streak is actually helping my PF? And today is day 6, no PF pain and goals accomplished for the week. 1-2 miles each day, starting on Tuesday, and 12 miles today for a total of 20.89 miles for the week.
So to celebrate this crazy new running streak, I opted for a wild purple streak of color in my hair. I totally love it! Hmmm... wonder what my boss is going to say... will he notice?
Keep it up, next thing you know you will be the next Raven (Raven Run) Hope your PF stays gone!