So.. Now that I know for sure that I've been/am being stalked.. I debated about deleting this blog. I knew that ___ had been stalking others' online activities for years because they've shared info they have learned about x,y,z,a,b,c,etc's life/endeavors/pitfalls/social media posts/news stories, etc. At the same time of hearing the gossip/reality news about others, I couldn't help but wonder if they were also stalking/following my online social media posts. I only thought about it fleetingly because I never post specifics about work issues in social media and the stalker is work-related. So.. when someone asked me a few days ago about something posted on this blog, I at first tensed up and silently thought about deleting this blog and making my twitter and Facebook profiles, etc. private. But before reacting I put more thought into it. What I post on this blog and on Twitter and Facebook, etc. are about my personal life. Meant to benefit connections with family and friends and fellow runners. I may occasionally add a status update that is totally vague about work stress, but I do not divulge specific work issues. My profession is a civil servant/project manager/protector of human health. I am currently managing a high profile project that has national attention. On the one hand, I am tempted to shut down all social media accounts to protect the privacy of my family. But on the other hand, I am tempted to keep them all open because I have nothing to hide.. My goal is transparency. If I shut it all down they will wonder what I am trying to hide.
I haven't blogged here regularly lately but am contemplating my next marathon in April 2015. This blog is totally about my running endeavors.. So I really don't freakin care if there are work-related stalkers. Hopefully it will give them incentive to get active (some already are) and give them fodder for small talk when I see them next and again and again :)