Sunday, May 24, 2009


Monday: Puppy woke me early, but not too early, so I got in 2 miles on the treadmill. When I picked my daughter up from day care this afternoon, she gave me this card that she made. In case you can't read it, it has an m&m pop-up and it says, "Here is a sweet treat for all that you have done! THANKS MOM! Here are some things that you have done. #1 Worked hard at running. #2 You have always loved me. #3 You are the BEST MOM EVER! (This can be my present to you for being sooooo great, Mom!) YOU ROCK! (You earned this) Love, Mo {her nickname}

Tuesday: I took the dogs out for a fun 2.31 mile run. I haven't run with them in a while. They were speedy the first mile, but slowed down the last half with intermittent burts of speed to chase birds and squirrels. It was a fun, unintended speed session.

Wednesday: 0 miles. Today was the last day of school! I worked half the day and then went to the family picnic at the school. Then we went over to Lisa's house for an end of the year pool party. Fun!!! Lisa is going to run the Chicago marathon with Ty and me. We each have daughters that finished 4th grade today. Lisa's daughter and mine will be in the same class next year. Fun!!

Thursday: 0 miles. I had wanted to run today, but twisted my ankle at some point yesterday and it hurts badly today! Will take an extra rest day in hopes of it healing...

Friday: 2.39 easy miles with the dogs. My ankle still hurts a little, but is much better. Took the dogs for a repeat of Tuesday's run. They started out slower tonight, but kept a more even pace throughout. They were really slow as we approached home. Maybe this is too much distance for them. I let them set the pace, and walked when they wanted to, but am still thinking it may have been too much.

Saturday: 0 miles. Got my hair cut, 60K service on my Prius, bought shorts at Gap for $25 each, stopped by Fleet Feet to use my $15 voucher before it expires. Bought a Nathan Quick Draw 22-ounce hand-held water bottle and some Hammer Nutrition Heed individual packets in three flavors. Carrying an aluminum water bottle in my hand for hour-long-runs can be tiring and I don't really love wearing the Fuel Belt. Although I love my CamelBak hydration system, it seems to be excess for hour-long runs. I've heard good things about bottles that strap to your hand, so thought I would invest in one. I sometimes have tummy issues on long runs and have heard that this may be caused by sugary sports drinks. Hopefully the "Heed" will be easier on my tummy. Everyone on Twitter and running podcasts seems to love Hammer nutrition products, so I thought I'd try it tomorrow on my "long run". I purchased one each of the three individual flavor packets that Fleet Feet had in stock. If it works for me, then I'll invest in the larger bulk container of the preferred flavor. The flyer mentioned that for longer events to use Perpetuem instead of Heed. They didn't have it at Fleet Feet and I wondered what the difference is. I just looked at Hammer Nutrition's website and it says that Perpetuem contains protein as well, and is recommended over Heed for events lasting over 2 hours. My personal experience is that I need protein for runs of 2 hours or longer, so this seems consitent with my needs. Maybe I'll order some for the future. I won't get into 2-hour runs for another month, so if I order now it should arrive in plenty of time before I need it. On my many errands today I listened to several podcasts. Ashland Dave mentioned that he may run the Outer Banks marathon with someone he knows. The OBX marathon was my first choice for a marathon this fall, simply based on location; I know nothing about the course or the event. But since Ty wanted to run Chicago, I put it off. Then Laura wants to run Kiawah Island marathon in December. Now I'm considering adding OBX in between (November) or should I just wait until 2010? Hmmm.... Marathon Maniac or not?

Sunday: Ran 5 miles at Stone Mountain after puppy obedience training class. Used the Hammer Nutrition "Heed" melon flavored drink mix during the 78 degree, misting rain run. It's not nearly as sugary tasting as Gatorade. Afterwards, went to Pizza Cafe for a small Greek salad and a slice of BBQ chicken pizza. YUM! This evening I had an upset tummy. Guess it's not caused by Gatorade since I drank Heed today...

Days run this week: 4
Miles run this week: 11.9
Highlight of the week: card from daughter: #1 worked hard at running
Goal for next week: run at least 13 miles

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